Finding the Right Solution Unique to Your Business
Capitalize on Substantial Opportunities
International eCommerce advertising is a substantial opportunity to allow vendors and manufacturers or distributors to advertise and promote their goods on a regional, even a countrywide, level. It
also enables interested parties to select and target specific regions and cater to those particular locations throughout the world. From an international eCommerce platform perspective, the benefit is that you can generate dramatic additional
revenues and get more engagement by activating localized advertising.
The concept in general allows for a considerably strong capability to complete internal advertising as well, so it doesn't have to necessarily be paid for by vendors or outside resources. Advertising could be internal and involve suggestive
upselling, recommendations, or other types of notices to increase customer desire. Tailoring your advertising and making it regionally specific, so that the data itself is focused on that particular region or locale, is a powerful competence
for your international eCommerce application.
One of the main concepts behind localized advertising for international eCommerce is being able to look at specific selection criteria and configure the efforts accordingly. You may choose to target a certain region, country, continent, or
any combination thereof. The upcoming step involves being able to efficiently promote campaigns within that selected set of geography. Generally speaking, this process is referred to as segmenting and more specifically, audience segmentation.
This geography-based segmentation of audiences can also include radius specific advertising, since you might have some advertisers that wish to focus on a particular city or metropolis area.
Those advertisers would need the ability to essentially drop a pin on key cities that they want to focus on and allow for their ads to get promoted within those particular regions. Long story short, the idea is that whenever you provide
advertising through your international eCommerce platform, one of the key components is being able to offer segmentation. This applies on both internal promotion and external advertising, where
vendors, manufacturers and distributors can promote their items in a targeted fashion. Overall audience segmentation isn’t just based on geography, but for international eCommerce that's certainly a critical capability.