Unique Regional Tailored Solutions
Examples of Potential Tailoring Within your Platform Depending on Locale
Overall, it can be a highly significant logistical challenge to execute content and product offering optimization. But in the end, this process can yield dramatic results and impressive improvement in the conversion rate of your website. We
highly encourage thinking about, and planning around, product data and content optimization. Even adjusting the product imagery, so that the models depicted are representative of that particular region wherever reasonably possible.
Another area for consideration is the language and how certain parts of the site should be appropriately customized. These include key pieces like the name, meta title, description and meta-description, which would all need to be heavily
optimized so that the end user doesn't feel like they're purchasing from a foreign entity. The goal certainly isn't to be deceptive or misguide visitors, we just want users to feel comfortable with the content presentation.
In addition to presenting region and language specific content, it's also possible to configure and optimize the theming, branding, styling, color scheme and the overall presentation based on a particular location. You may have noticed that
different providers across industries have already carved a niche, where their marketing and presentation can be very diverse compared to popular platforms in other regions.
A good example of that is Amazon and Alibaba, where Alibaba is essentially the Amazon of China. However, the marketing style and how the retailing portions of the sites work is quite different in many ways. There's a lot of similarity but
you can observe a lot of discrepancies in terms of business logic, theming and some of the general website branding. Appropriate diversification depending on location is something you may wish to explore for your international eCommerce