WordPress CMS vs. Other CMSs

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What is a CMS? And how can you get started with one?

Setting the Context

Are you interested in building a blog/website? One of the most important things that you need to consider is choosing the best content management systems (CMS) from the list of available ones. In case you don't know, a CMS is a platform that enables you to build a website, modify, and manage its content with little or zero knowledge of HTML coding. Furthermore, there are lots of CMS options available, and if you aren't very careful, you might struggle to choose the best one for your website. Currently, the world's most popular CMS software is WordPress. That's so because it powers about 38% of all websites on the internet. With that, does it mean WordPress is the best option for you? Several other CMSs can perform similar or even more functions just like WordPress. They include Joomla, DNN, Kentico, Drupal, and Sitefinity. Whenever we want to start a blog/website or a small business, a lot of thinking and hard work goes into it. It also signifies a dream venture in most of the cases.

So, none of us want to ruin this for ourselves, and we want to be mindful before making choices. Choosing a CMS for your website is crucial, and we should be aware of what we're choosing. Because once you start your site and change your mind to shift to another CMS, it'll be a nightmare. Hence, making an informed choice is essential here. To do so, we should know what's out there! Let's compare some of the CMSs with the most popular one: WordPress.

In this post, we'll be looking at the face-off between WordPress CMS and four of the industry's most popular and best CMS platforms. These include WordPress vs. DNN, WordPress vs. Sitefinity, WordPress vs. Joomla, and WordPress vs. Kentico. At the end of this post, you should understand how these CMSs stack up against WordPress and choose the best option for your business. So, without further ado, let's dive right in.


WordPress vs. DotNetNuke (DNN)

WordPress, initially released in May 2003, is a free and open-source CMS platform written in PHP. Furthermore, the system also uses MYSQL, an open-source relational database management system, enabling users to store and retrieve all their blog information. On the other hand, DNN is also an enterprise-level open-source CMS, introduced in 2003. However, unlike WordPress, this platform uses the .NET framework and SQL, including MS-SQL, Postgres, SQL Express, etc.

Before starting our DNN vs. WordPress face-off, it's worth noting that both CMS platforms have their pros and cons. However, to make it easy for you to choose the better option for your business, we'll be sharing with you their capabilities - in terms of website speed, theme options, permissions, and security.

WordPress vs. DNN: Site Speed

One of the essential factors that everybody needs to consider before opting for a CMS platform is site speed. In case you don't know, site speed is a significant ranking factor, according to Google. A few years back, the company made it known that "it's striving to make the whole web fast." With that, it means for you to get the best out of your website, you need to opt for a platform that guarantees you a swift site speed. Now, here's a burning question, which of the two CMSs (DNN vs. WordPress) is better - in terms of site speed? According to a recent finding, it was revealed that DNN performs better than WordPress in site speed.

WordPress vs. DNN: Theme Options

Although both DNN and WordPress have themes, the approach they use in offering them is different. In DNN, themes are only used for styling and visual appearance purposes. Although that's almost the same for WordPress, the difference is that its themes always come with lots of added functionalities

WordPress vs. DNN: Permission & Administration

A CMS platform makes use of user roles to grant permission to a group of users. Interestingly, both WordPress CMS and DNN have built-in user roles - they help define the actions that site users are allowed to do. Out of the box, WordPress comes with six different user roles; administrator, editor, author, contributor, subscriber, and super admin. This managing permission approach is also similar to that of DNN - its user roles include administrator, all users, and registered users.

However, in DNN, the custom user roles and granular permissions are mainly supported in core CMS. This is different in WordPress, as these features are not available in its core system. Instead, for the system to offer such capabilities, you'll have to download third-party plugins.

Well, in terms of permissions, we'll say both WordPress and DNN are perfect for simple sites with small users and user roles. However, if you're looking at creating complex sites with, let's say, more than 25 users, we'll recommend that you opt for DNN. That's because all the features needed to manage granular permissions and user roles are present in the core CMS.

One is renowned for ease of use, whereas the latter for flexible customization options

WordPress vs. Joomla

Just like WordPress, Joomla is also a free and open-source content management system written in PHP. It also uses MySQL to store data. However, the significant difference between the two systems is that WordPress didn't start as a CMS. Instead, it was initially created to focus on blogs. On the other hand, Joomla began to as a CMS to serve portal-like websites. Things are not the same anymore, as both platforms are now capable of running all kinds of websites. Other key differences between the two CMS platforms include:

WordPress vs. Joomla: Popularity

In terms of popularity, WordPress and Joomla are the two most popular CMS platforms out there. With about 63% of the CMS market share, WordPress is the most popular of them all. This is then followed by Joomla, having about 4.6% of the industry's market share.

WordPress vs. Joomla: Flexibility

Flexibility is another factor that you must consider before choosing between WordPress and Joomla. Between the two CMS platforms, Joomla offers more flexibility, as it allows easy customization than WordPress.

WordPress vs. Joomla: Security

When it comes to creating a website, everybody needs to take another thing very seriously is security. The popularity of WordPress makes it the center of attraction to hackers and attackers. WordPress has a lot of plugins, which you can always install uniquely.

However, with several plugins available, it'll be challenging to ensure safety standards for all of them. It's also worth knowing that WordPress CMS doesn't come, out of the box, with the basic features, such as SSL and 2FA. That's why we'll recommend that you opt for Joomla in terms of security. Joomla comes with an option, which helps to force connection over SSL. And apart from that, the CMS platform also comes with Two-Factor Authentication.

WordPress vs. Joomla: Built-In Functionality

As mentioned earlier, WordPress only comes with a few functionalities out of the box. For you to offer more capabilities, you'll have to download more third-party plugins. This is not entirely true for Joomla, as it comes with a lot of built-in functionalities. Some of them include SEO & back-up tools, support of multiple languages, and recovery tools.

WordPress vs. Joomla: Tech Savviness

One of the advantages of WordPress over other CMSs is that it requires zero knowledge of HTML coding. This is not true for Joomla, as you'll need to know the basics of coding to run your website successfully.

WordPress vs. Joomla: Themes & Plugins

Although both platforms have plugins and themes, WordPress CMS offers its users many free and premium options to choose from. This is not the same for Joomla, as the platform only has a few themes or templates. Furthermore, speaking of plugins, both platforms enable the use of third-party plugins. One of the differences, however, is that WordPress has an extensive plugin development community. Besides, WordPress also offers its users the ability to choose from various plugins - this is not true for Joomla!.


WordPress vs. Kentico

Kentico, first released in 2004, is an open-source web content management system for building websites, intranets, Web 2.0 community sites, and online stores. Unlike WordPress, the CMS platform utilizes ASP.NET and Microsoft SQL Server for development. With that, it means it's the best option in case you're an ASP.NET developer. Here are some of the differences between the two platforms below:

WordPress vs. Kentico: Security & Scalability

As earlier mentioned, WordPress is the most popular CMS out there, and it offers tons of plugins. While that is okay, the problem is that you must ensure that all these plugins are up to date to address any vulnerabilities. On the other hand, Kentico is highly secured, as it has its protective layers with the right license. Furthermore, it's also reasonably scalable to use.

WordPress vs. Kentico: Pricing

One of the disadvantages of Kentico, when you compare it to WordPress, can be seen in its pricing option. It's way too expensive than WordPress CMS. For instance, Kentico charges up to $10k for a business CMS tool. Furthermore, unlike WordPress, which's suitable for enterprise-level companies, Kentico is best suited for small and medium-sized companies.

WordPress vs. Kentico: Availability

In terms of availability, we'll recommend that you opt for WordPress. That's because Kentico only offers support for Windows and web-based devices. This is not true for WordPress, as it's mostly supported by all major devices, including Windows, iPhone/iPad/Mac, Web, and Android.

WordPress vs. Kentico: Load Speed

Unlike WordPress that offers both front-end and back-office, Kentico only offers headless CMS design. The advantage of that, however, is that it helps to reduce and improve the load time. With that, it means Kentico is faster and lighter compared to WordPress.


WordPress vs. Sitefinity

Although Sitefinity was released before WordPress (2002), WordPress is way more popular than it. Well, that doesn't mean Sitefinity doesn't have its own merits over WordPress CMS. First, it's worth noting that you can utilize Sitefinity to create and manage your website, irrespective of your business size. That said, here are other things that you need to know below.

WordPress vs. Sitefinity: Compatibility

Another factor that we'll be looking at in our WordPress vs. Sitefinity face-off is the two systems' compatibility. Unlike WordPress that utilizes Apache server, Sitefinity makes use of Windows server. As such, the Sitefinity CMS will be a better option for you if you like using Microsoft technologies and servers.

WordPress vs. Sitefinity: Multi-Media

Unlike WordPress CMS, with numerous plugins for various functions, Sitefinity only comes with limited functionality in terms of its graphics. As such, it means you'll need to have basic knowledge of .Net. If not, you'll always need developers' help from time to time, mostly anytime there's a need for the advanced altering of your site.

WordPress vs. Sitefinity: Support & Learning

Another difference between the two CMS platforms is in their support and learning objectives. In terms of support, WordPress is nothing compared to Sitefinity. Well, that's so because it has several support issues, according to online reviews.

However, this isn't the case for Sitefinity. This platform has productive and rigid support within the user community. An example of its support is the one coming from Telerik. Speaking of it, Telerik offers several tools for cross-platform application development. Furthermore, it also provides complete technical documentation with code snippets.

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Bringing it All Together

In this article, we compared a handful of CMSs with WordPress. Not a single CMS can be ideal on its own; every CMS will have its pros and cons. No matter WordPress constitutes the highest share; it might not be suitable for everyone in the room. We hope the comparisons discussed have helped you decide better on your CMS. If not, we're here to help, contact us to know better!

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