WordPress and WooCommerce for Healthcare
The guidelines issued by HIPAA towards ePHI protection are lengthy and detailed, trying to catch every possibility of data leak or exposure. The two most important rules one should be aware about are the Security Rule and the Privacy Rule, both having the aim to protect ePHI from unsolicited access or use, though a set of HIPAA technical safeguards. According to HIPAA, compliance is required not only for the healthcare business itself, but also for its business associates, especially if they handle ePHI. A good example to demonstrate this concept, is think about eCommerce platforms. Usually, a business of the healthcare sector wanting to engage with eCommerce will use a website host to set up its platform. Then, potential customers will have to use the host, to access the platform and purchase selected products. This means, that ePHI will be submitted through the website host, indicating that the host will have access to it. So, if the business wants to have a HIPAA compliant website, they will have to sign a business associate agreement with the website host. Here comes one of the biggest problems with HIPAA compliant websites, as one of the most popular website hosts, WordPress, and its eCommerce plugin, WooCommerce, are not considered HIPAA compliant.