CHRIS: Absolutely, thanks. Fundamentally, the main takeaway here for anyone who's listening is, whenever you're working with an online auction platform provider, you want to look for adaptability. And we've talked about this before. Whenever it comes to payments, this is absolutely critical, and this is a big challenge for a lot of SaaS-based platforms.
They tend to be very commoditized. This can be good in the sense that they're going to be constantly rolling out new features. But it can also be bad [because they’re not going to adapt to] a particular workflow or process that you need for your business. They're going to stick with a more commoditized path.
This can really become evident with payment providers. There are a lot of very popular payment hub providers that we have listed here that we've worked with in the past. The bottom line, though, is that we can work with any payment provider that has an API, any payment provider that's available, we can incorporate for you. This is really powerful when you get to a very specialized market, a high-end market, or operating at scale and working to take advantage of a particular payment provider that has beneficial rates, or possibly terms that just make more sense for your customers, and maybe specific escrow workflow like we've talked about in the past.
Having this adaptability is fundamental to thinking how you're going to scale your business. This is what we've seen over the years. We've seen many customers come to us and say, “We painted ourselves into a corner.” How many times have we seen that before, Ron, where they come to us and that's the bottom line, right? That's what we would advise here.
But the other piece that we're always looking at is being able to turnkey and quickly progress your business from where it is to that ideal point down the road. So you have to have very turnkey options off the shelf. You can see a lot of those here, this is a representative list. Regardless of whether you work with Clarity or another eAuction platform, we encourage you to look for this capability, not just on the payment side, but really everywhere. This is just us showing what we're capable of on the payment side of things.