Let's Introduce the Basics First
What is CSS and CSS Switching?
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets with an insistence on "Style." Although HTML is used to format a web
document (defining items like headlines and paragraphs and enabling you to embed photos, videos, and other
media), CSS passes through and describes the document's theme — page templates, colors, and fonts are all
decided by CSS. Think of HTML as a base (every object has one) and CSS as an aesthetic option.
It is worth noting because, as useful as it is for web designers, cascading style sheets also significantly
enhance site users' online experience. It's pretty quick to understand and create a more robust and more
straightforward code than adding all styles directly to your HTML. Utilizing CSS standardizes the websites
almost the same way as developers have been standardizing their software code for a year. Modular coding on your
website makes for better continuity in functionality and easy maintenance. The CSS is a new norm that has been
in operation for many years now. It's time to distinguish the HTML framework from the CSS presentation.
CSS is used to define the web sites' styles, including layout, interface, and design variants for various
platforms and screen sizes. Any of the explanations for using CSS are as follows: