Overcome Any Integration Challenges
Integration Considerations for Azure eCommerce
Another sizable challenge with consistently integrating systems such as Azure eCommerce to an ERP, a CRM or other line of business applications like a WMS, is that those integrations can typically be very manual and time consuming.
A difficult aspect of these types of integrations can be related to security measures and hardening of the access between the applications, as well as ensuring a robust model for data communication is applied among the systems. This can be a key factor in determining the necessary timeline and related costs for integrating systems.
As an example, contemplate the scenario of a business that goes from a few hundred orders a month to tens of thousands of orders per month. This hypothetical business is able to scale into those order growth numbers, while delivering at -or above- the previous quality and customer support levels. If a business is unable to scale and deliver improved quality service, then typically the systems and infrastructure aren't working properly, or the processes aren't effective. Ultimately, it's going to probably make the most sense for the business to slow down in order to speed up.
That's really what we encourage you to combat with the selection of a premium Azure eCommerce system. Whenever you're evaluating a platform, consider if it actually offers the desired capabilities. Not necessarily require them right away, but if and when your organization is ready to leverage those capabilities, they should be available for use. Thus, you can benefit from the ready to use nature of Azure infrastructure, while tying that very closely to an off-the-shelf enterprise eCommerce platform, such as Clarity eCommerce.