The Online Platform Approval Process
Okta SSO Integration Enables Specific Access

The different vendors in the eMarketplace online platform are external to the organization while the franchises are internal; and everyone needs to be able to use Okta to interact with the system. For the external vendors, whenever they go through the registration process, we can create the users on the fly, by allowing the users to be created in Okta but not authorized to access certain things until an approval workflow is completed internally within the fast-food organization. Then, when a vendor/company is approved through this initial process, they can be automatically approved for their entire email domain.
This typically only applies to a unique company domain and has certain verification rules so that when an internal staff member registers at one of these vendor locations, they can have access to the system. In a lot of cases though it doesn't make sense to turn on domain-based auto-authorization. In this particular case, although it's possible to have domain authorization, this particular client decided that it would need to be a workflow.
This is the scenario where vendors as a company have to get approved by the internal franchise team. Then, when the vendor organization is approved, the organization has to then approve additional users that get added in order to be authorized within that particular vendor organization. The vendor has the ability to upload products, manage bulk inventory and pricing data, product descriptions and details, etc. They can also integrate using their other logins as well. In other words, the vendors have the ability to auto-approve, but they typically don’t want to. They also want to internally have some control over who gets access to these different authorization areas. The franchise company has these different locations and their new locations are going online all of the time. There are new team members, or team members moving between locations or managing multiple locations. They need this information about authorization to purchase for certain locations or add more locations; these are things that are really seamless with Okta.