CHRIS: If for whatever reason the renewal doesn't process properly, they get the right follow up and incentivize upselling the membership so they can upgrade to the next level. These are all really important pieces and that's just scratching the surface on the membership front. But there's a lot of value with the eCommerce marketplace, too, offering different membership levels. These can be based on paying for a membership. It can be based on behavior and incentivizing sellers and/or buyers to be good stewards of the marketplace and therefore receive certain membership benefits. So these can be combined, of course, and there needs to be logic to be able to handle that at scale.
And then similarly, if we get into auctions and events, these are big opportunities to expand the scope of your online marketplace or be able to execute properly within your marketplace for your niche or niches that you're focusing on. You know, depending on the business model, it may be critical that you have the ability to execute on running events, being able to sell admission to those. It could be virtual events, it could be live events, being able to deal with all of the transactions for that, coordinating, allowing people to have selection and limited access to certain things, changing their roles and access to things based on the fact that they are participating in the event.
Going to auctions, same type of concept here with the level of fidelity necessary for these areas. And one of the key foundational pieces that I'll point out about all of this, especially as you scale up, is looking at the entire workflow and understanding what we would call a happy path, which I would just generally define as the standard flow that someone's going to typically go through.
Then you also have what I would call edge cases and identifying those nuanced situations that will most likely occur. They won't be very often, but they will occur. And we need to handle those and being able to appropriately prioritize around the happy path and really streamlining that, polishing that workflow, and then prioritize in different edge cases so that those can be automated to the point where they're very self-service and self-healing, when an edge case comes up.