So, let's take a look at the Clarity Connect CRM dashboard. Connect uses Hangfire for managing its queues and scheduled tasks. The Hangfire dashboard shows you account of all the transactions within any of the queues at the top of the screen. You can click and drill down into a queue to see the actual transactions as they occur, such as these email batch jobs running. If any of the applications are offline when a job is trying to process, Connect moves the job to the retry queue and start to retrying 10 times every 30 minutes to rerun the job. If you want, once your application is back online, you can come into the retry queue, select all, and re-queue the jobs yourself. The same holds true for any failures or errors. You can view the error details, address the cause of the error, then select all and re-queue the job.
Let's take a view of Connect in action. So, this is a client of ours that's integrating Clarity eCommerce, or CEF, with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, referred to as NAV. Here are some of the tasks that the Connect will be running. CEF orders to NAV, NAV accounts to CEF, NAV invoices to CEF, NAV orders back to CEF, NAV products to CEF. Typical projects can have anywhere from a couple to dozens of tests that will be run.
So, let's pop into CEF and quickly purchase this item. I've spent the time up taken here because I wanted to show it to you in case you wanted to pause to view any of the screens but most importantly to show that this is an online or web order number 345 in CEF. Now that it's purchased, we've turned off Connect so we can show you manually which job is triggered to process the orders. We click on the, Process CEF Orders to NAV," and click, "Trigger Now."
We then go to, "Jobs," then "Processing," and click on the job running. We can see below that there were three jobs waiting to be picked up and processed. And in just over four seconds, they've been processed and are now sitting in NAV. Here we see the NAV order. Right here, we've created a custom order number called Web-345. which was our order. You can also see that NAV has generated its own order key as well and we can drill into the order to accept and update the order for the integration return trip of an order status update. For this client, when an order is placed, the default status is, "Full Payment Received," if it was paid for with a credit card. In NAV, we're updating the dates to indicate that the order has been accepted and has been sent to manufacturing for processing. We'll quickly pop in the updated dates.
Now we'll go back to Clarity Connect and we'll trigger the NAV orders to CEF task, which is updating three orders, including here at the bottom, our Web-345 we just updated. Here's a quick view of the out-of-the box email notification that the order had been received and is in processing that was sent to the client. Now, when we check our order, we can see that the NAV assigned ID has been updated and our status has now changed from, "Full Payment Received," to, "Processing."