CHRIS: Now, what are some of the tactical specifics here? Well, I'll give you a few examples. One of the things that we see, just in the near term, is things like leveraging deep learning and AI. And this is really, really potent within a marketplace because, again, we're focusing on self-service. Now, you're not going to see a whole lot of AI and machine learning and deep learning built into marketplace eCommerce platforms. But is the vendor that you're working with incorporating that, and how can you leverage this automated intelligence to really better serve your customers?
That's just one mechanical example, but it's probably a good one that you can ask yourself, like if I had someone who was full time just focusing on these customers to give them better service, give them better information, provide them recommendations that were really useful reports that are specific to them, etc. What would that look like? Because that's what AI can do. And that's just again, one example.
Same thing with automation, how integrated are your systems? And this is something that is an endless opportunity, and you just want to evaluate what the law of diminishing returns is, based on where you're at with your eCommerce business. But over time and at the limit, you want to fully automate as much as you can based on prioritizing the things that are valuable within your business workflow.
These are the questions that in the topics that we really strongly encourage you to think about. if you're watching this and you're listening, you're probably at some point in the lifecycle where if you iterate on this question and you get it to brass tacks, and we're always happy to help, you're welcome to reach out and let us know. You will probably put yourself in a position to double or even 10X over a relatively short period of time by focusing on the right things.
RON: Yeah. Agreed. I love the old cliche: If you don't know where you're going, every road will get you there.
CHRIS: Yes, very true.
RON: Even failure. Or even going sideways and no growth whatsoever, just surviving. So, yeah, I love that.