One of the most important things for any web master is to be able to publish a blog on their website, and DotNetNuke is one of the best content management systems around for doing so.
As you know, the heart of any good website is its blog, which on a DotNetNuke blog module is usually driven by the NA (News Articles) module suite. However, the “News Articles” name is a bit misleading, because most standard DNN blog modules are actually fully fledged publishing systems which can take care of so much more than just news updates.
DotNetNuke Blogging Features
The DotNetNuke blog module has a number of important features, including categorization, sub-categorization and workflow capabilities, not to mention all kinds of social media tools such as content syndication, commenting, rating etc. The DotNetNuke blog module can be a very powerful tool for exposing your blog, if you can master its capabilities.
DotNetNuke is based on an ASP.net blogging framework. To learn more about how Clarity can help you accomplish your goals with this technology please visit our ASP.net applications page.
One of the biggest advantages of the DotNetNuke blog is that it offers a very generous use of HTML layout templates. This, combined with a rich set of tokens, offers users a great deal of flexibility with regards to the functionality and layout of their blog, without needing to delve into the source code of the module.
DotNetNuke Blogging Installation
Installation of the DotNetNuke blog is very easy, and the interface is simple and intuitive to use. There is lots of flexibility too, suchg as being able to choose which text editor you want to use, i.e. the DNN editor or about editor.
Overall, the DotNetNuke blog is a great platform for bloggers, with tons of functionality and customization.
Other essential features include SEO-friendly URLs, pingbacks, sitemaps and RSS feeds which are all very easy to setup.
One of the best things about the DotNetNuke blog module is that it automatically incorporates the skin of your website – unlike many other blogs that try to be a site all by themselves and are very difficult to customize. With the DotNetNuke blog, you don’t need to worry.
As well as the social media features of the blog, you can also enter tags to assist with SEO, turn comments on and off (these need to be approved before they will be displayed on your site), and you can close the comments if/when you want to.
There are numerous plugins available too, which are added to the right hand side of the blog. These include an archive history, tag cloud, featured posts, categories etc, offering you tons of flexibility.
One of the biggest selling points for many people will be the ability of the DotNetNuke net blogging to import blog module content as well.
The user interface for the settings can be a bit of a drawback, which pop up in a new window whether you are editing post settings or blog module settings. This can prove irritating because the new window is often too big and doesn’t fit on the screen, nor can it be moved. Still, it does function well enough.
Overall, the DotNetNuke blog is a great platform for bloggers, with tons of functionality and customization options, and for anyone familiar with using WordPress or Joomla, it won’t be at all difficult to learn this new tool.