Responsive Web Design
Mobile responsive. We've all heard it. We even think we know what it means. But do you understand the consequences if you don't have it—or worse yet, have it, but not done right? Responsive mobile design means that your web template automatically adjusts and shifts content, graphics, and navigation based on the viewing device (i.e., mobile phone, tablet, or desktop). While many companies have had their sites "fixed" to be responsive, they kept the old site and just had work done to it.
Unfortunatly for them, Google has changed their web crawlers to now fully render every page crawled (i.e. meaning that they load the CSS, JavaScript, etc.), so they can determine if a site is 100 percent mobile friendly.
Our experience has shown us that trying to update and maintain an old site doesn't cut it, and "retrofitted" sites are often penalized in its rankings. Clarity practices what we preach and have doubled our traffic by creating a fully mobile-friendly website. We can get you a customized website that delivers.