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Clarity Ventures Adds Syncfusion for Custom Reporting

Advanced Reporting for eCommerce Clients

Austin, TX — May 21, 2019 — Clarity Ventures announced today the addition of Syncfusion, a powerful reporting engine its proprietary eCommerce platform.  

DevExpress was Clarity’s reporting engine of choice in recent years, but that required the additional cost of a DevExpress license for each client that wanted to use the report builder for any custom reports.  This wasn't a problem for most B2B clients, where Clarity integrated their ERP for reporting. B2C clients, however, wanted the ability to create and customize reports within the platform. Clarity searched for a newer and better reporting engine to include within the Clarity license and freely distribute to all our clients. After much deliberation, Syncfusion was the clear winner. 

The addition of Syncfusion was carefully deliberated in order to deliver the level of performance customers wanted. "Swapping to Syncfusion has really benefitted our B2C clients," said Ron Halversen, VP Sales and Marketing at Clarity. "Over the years, it's been our B2C clients that want to create their own custom reports, based on promotions and every-changing business goals. Syncfusion allows us to provide a report builder that gives them that capability out of the box." 

“Syncfusion is a robust .NET tool library that we purchased an Enterprise Global Redistributable license for,” said Chris Reddick, President and CEO. “We immediately incorporated it into our eCommerce framework. It has an excellent report designer and report viewer capability, as well as powerful, easy-to-use dashboard tools with visual indicators — KPIs — in our clients’ dashboards. Calendar and scheduling capabilities are also included. It also offers functions to get these reports onto paper, creating physical reports with its advanced printer preview and printing abilities. The Syncfusion Library offers a deep set of functionalities that we can custom configure for each client’s needs.” 

Syncfusion is now available as part of Clarity’s eCommerce Framework (CEF), the latest upgrade that continues to make it one of the most powerful — and customizable — electronic commerce platforms available. To see Syncfusion in action on Clarity’s eCommerce platform, schedule a demo today. 


About Clarity  

Clarity Ventures has been serving clients ranging from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies for more than 15 years. Services include integration, eCommerce, web portals, web design and development, and more. Clarity continues to see impressive growth year after year and is on track to become the next "Who's Who" in eCommerce software integration. While remaining lean and mean, Clarity is about to experience another round of growth that will bring on board some of the brightest minds available in the marketplace. 

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