Gather Expertise within Market Niches
One of the most fundamental aspects of a marketplace platform that’s competing in a niche to gain an edge is the value that you’re bringing. Users are going to have a lot of loyalty toward a marketplace eCommerce platform that’s providing consistent value to them. This often boils down to being an expert in the area that you’re providing products or services in.
Being an expert takes time, and you’re not trying to be an expert at everything—so a challenging aspect of being the best at a niche is saying “no” to just about everything.
However, you don’t have to have only internal experts or be the expert yourself. You can also take advantage of processes and systems to empower your end users and make a platform for the users; this can be the manufacturers and distributors, experts within the field, etc. This can be monetized and gamified so there’s recognition for different vendors and experts in the field.
You can go really far with this method to enable different subject matter experts to provide value to your marketplace within their respective niche area that they’re credible in. This could look like videos, training and support videos, resources and how-to guides, best practices for completing different processes, how to evaluate purchases, etc.
For instance, evaluating products might look different for different areas, so they could provide information about the kinds of tires to purchase near the equator versus more northern or southern regions. In their videos, they might say:
- “Near the equator you’ll want to purchase this type of tire that will have good performance all year round, but can do well it gets snowy.”
- “Near the North or South Pole, you’ll want to purchase this type of winter tire because you’ll be experiencing winder maybe more than half the year.”
- “These are the types of tires we recommend for that environment, and here’s why…”
- “Here’s the different material that these are made of… If you’re in the mountains and have lots of elevation changes, these are the tires to go with.”
- “Here are the recommended accessories for these types of tires. For this one, you’ll want these types of chains…”
You can expand on this analogy for any industry, and provide valuable information within your marketplace. To be successful, you want to provide the information and resources far up the funnel. Before people are ready to make a purchase, they’re doing lots of research and assessments.
It’s beneficial to be a hub for them to come to for this particular niche area that you’re expanding into, while continuing to funnel into the niche areas that you're already dominating in. Especially if the niches are related to each other, the expertise feeds on itself and becomes an upward spiral.
You’ll be more successful with search engine results because of people referencing you within industry publications, attending different events and getting the word out about this valuable resource.
With marketplace eCommerce, people can underestimate the value of providing free resources on their site. But these free resources help people become aware of your company and build trust and credibility with the marketplace, which makes this a powerful strategy.