The User Role Hierarchy Tree
User Roles & The Relation Between Them
It’s possible to set up user hierarchy within an organization in the marketplace. For example, if a large organization wants to set up purchasers within their organization, they may invite several folks to join the marketplace as sub-users where they wouldn't necessarily have full rights to the overall account, but they can submit purchases to be approved. That would be a good example of a scenario where we wouldn't want those users to be able to register themselves and create themselves. We want them to have to be approved by the managing user of that account.

Roles are capable of defining very granular or broad level capabilities. They can even be stacked, so you can have a role that contains other roles, allowing the system to be very flexible. You can define base level components, tasks and concepts and then group those into different roles as to what they can complete.
An example of a typical list of roles would commonly have are an overall account administrator, a location administrator, a business segment or function administrator, and then different roles based on either the company or locations. There may also be a financial account so they might not necessarily be able to purchase but they can see all the transactions so they can reconcile the back-office accounting system. Then you might have a purchaser, someone who would actually be negotiating for and looking for the best deals and then making purchases on behalf of the company. It’s also pretty common to have marketing roles or product management roles so they could upload products and manage products from a vendor side of things.
You might also have fulfillment to handle. If you or the users have fulfillment overseers, then they would need roles that give them access to what they need. It’s not just about giving folks permission or not, it's also about making the experience very intuitive for the user. If they aren't meeting or planning on seeing a lot of different functions, do they really want to see a bunch of other capabilities? It's not a bad idea to only give them access to what they need, making their interactions on the site clean and simple.