Providing Value to Your End-Users
Consumer Benefits & Rewards
Not only is it helpful from that regard, but it can also be something that's very rewarding for the user. If there's valuable content that can go out along promotions or recommendations, possibly those are resources that folks are finding helpful or particular areas of the site that are getting a significant amount of traffic, therefore are highly recommended based on different user profiles. Someone might find it very helpful to get information about how to complete an installation of a certain type of product or how to guide that might be available within the marketplace itself. That kind of information can go along really nicely with actual products that are in the marketplace that are for sale.
In addition, it's also really helpful to the overall user experience on the site and what they are particularly focused on to drive all of the content that's going out in an email. So, in other words, if somebody is really focused on radios and stereos, then you may want to show them content that's relevant to radios and stereos. Whether those are discounts, clearance items, accessories, services, or even related digital products with different subscriptions to radio channels. That might be like paid radio channels, or possibly digital music that they can download and have on their stereo system. Beyond that, giving people access to some of the newer or more popular products can also help engage them in different various topics.
So, email marketing and contacting folks about their potential interests on the site can be very powerful. Especially powerful to help move someone along if they have items in their wish list, shopping list, or items in their cart that maybe the price information has gone down or availability is running low and you want to notify them about the stock quantity. By informing them there's a sale going on, you bring added value that's built into the marketplace that wouldn't be there hadn't you have notified the end user and give them a transactional heads up about their relevant information.