Just to start with in general, the buyer sign up and the seller sign up typically are very similar. Usually, you're looking for some very basic information. We encourage keeping the process extremely simple just so that folks have a low overhead to get set up. We also encourage making the process such that there is some form of validation of the email address if possible, and it's not uncommon to set up a multi-factor authentication as well. You could utilize a third-party, a phone number, or some other type of authentication outside of just their email address. This process is needed so that you know they have a valid account and are a real person.
Typically, the most common thing is to set up an email validation link. Once they validate their email, by clicking on the link from their email. Then they're going to have access to their new account. Which usually at minimum is a name, email, and a password. It's important to make sure that the password requirements are strong enough, but not overbearing that whenever a user is signing up there is an issue with their password not being strong enough.
It also really helps to have some simple clean icons and visuals to walk them through the steps so they can see where they are in the process. Now typically, once someone has validated their account, then it's a good time to go ahead and ask them for additional information. It's pretty common to ask them if they're part of a marketplace already, some company information, possibly information associated with purchasing or selling that will be critical to have, but again you want to make as much of this information as we can optional.