eCommerce with Functionality and Custom Variables
A CMS Built for the Mobile Revolution
The ever increasing usage of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets for everything from surfing the web and checking email to online commerce and social communication has made built-in responsive design an absolute must for modern CMS systems. Sitefinity was built with responsivness in mind, allowing for flawless email campaigns, social media integrations, user friendly mobile e-commerce, mobile apps and even mobile CMS. Mobile CMS enables multi-device monitoring and cross platform behavioral analytics for revolutionary insight into the needs and desires of your customers. An intuitive admin interface makes it easy for any member of your team to make changes to copy and content. It’s simple to change products in a catalog, images and titles in your ecommerce store. From the rich user profiles you create, you effectively segment your e commerce traffic and increase the likelihood of increasing sales by catering to segmented wants and needs.

Furthermore, you'll be hard pressed to find a more secure CMS for ecommerce as the US Department of Defense uses and constantly vets the framework for security breaches. Change what your B2B or enterprise E Commerce offers as fast as your customers can change preferences.