Live Social Feeds
Stay Fresh and Relevant While Constantly Engaging With Customers
Benefits of Live Social Feeds
Live social feeds are a great way to let your customers know what you're up to, promote your content, provide valuable industry resources from experts and thought leaders around the web, and maintain engagement with your target audience. Live social feeds increase your brand relevance and social engagement, which in turn keeps your
ecommerce website top of mind when prospective customers consider buying a product that you carry in your online store.
Live Stream Promotions and Events
Live feeds are especially useful during events and promotional campaigns. For example, a socially integrated promotion should have a promotion specific hashtag (#Clarityecommerce). A live feed on the promotion specific landing page induces psychological effects that increase the likelihood of conversion: "Other people are taking advantage of this promotion, I should too," or "If other people are taking advantage of this promotion and tweeting about it, it must not be a scam;" these are split second thought processes that influence actions. Additionally, it provides an avenue for that customer to advocate your brand and promotional campaign.

For events, attendees can communicate with others present at the same event, fostering a sense of community while simultaneously promoting your event to their social networks. Live feeds help you direct online conversation towards you even and your brand, a valuable part of any overall event success.
Clarity ecommerce: Social Tools to Engage and Attract Customers
Clarity's ecommerce platform makes it easy to add live social feeds that are either specific to desired conversation streams or your online brand profile in general. It is worth noting that live feeds are not for every company or every initiative. Fortunately, with the great Clarity ecommerce product, you get advice and consultation from the experts. Call us today to discuss how we can help get customers talking about your ecommerce products, brand and campaigns.
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