Badges that indicate verification by third parties also indicate credibility for a product and the seller. For example, if a customer wants to make sure that a seller’s product is actually vegan, they could look for the encircled “V” badge that indicates it is verified as vegan. For supplements, it’s often recommended to look for the USP label or other third-party verification badge, since they are an entity outside the company or seller that verifies the quality, ingredients, and quantity of the components.
If the seller goes out of their way to get verified by an outside source, this also boosts trust the buyers have for that seller, and makes them more likely to purchase from that seller in the future.
There should also be regulations within the marketplace platform as well, so that both buyers and sellers can be assured of the quality of the platform. Clarity’s eCommerce platform enables a way to set up governance within the system and a process through which to verify sellers and buyers.
One method is through an escrow account, where funds are held until the buyer receives the item. For sellers, there may be a certain number of sales or product ratings to achieve before the funds aren’t held in an escrow account for a period of time. For buyers, they may need to verify their payment information, or present an image of what’s wrong with a product if they are returning it. There are a number of other ways to make sure that the platform users are adhering to the marketplace rules and guidelines, and are bringing high quality to the eCommerce platform.