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Technical Architecture Documentation | Clarity

Reasons for Creating Technical Architecture Documentation

Why you need to create documentation for your architecture

architecture documentationDocumenting your system’s architecture is almost as important as the system’s architecture itself. Proper documentation helps employees and developers not only understand the architecture but also the purpose behind it and what it is capable of handling and producing. Documentation is needed to help present important information about your software and system in a way that is easily understood. Below are just a few reasons why you need technical architecture documentation for your business systems.

Help All Teams Comprehend the System Architecture

While some may say that creating documentation is a waste of time, it can actually be highly beneficial. What makes documentation differ between a waste of time and a helpful tool is giving it a purpose. Documentation always needs to have a purpose. One of the purposes of your architecture documentation should be to help your employees and stakeholders comprehend the reasons why the architecture is set up the way it is. Even if they don’t understand the technical aspects of it, they should still be able to get the gist of how it is developed and able to help reach your business’s end goals.

tips for working with your systems architectureProvide Guidance to Present and Future Developers 

One of the main reasons that you need to have technical architecture documentation is help your current and future developers understand how your system is set up and why it was set up that way. They need to know what the approved operating systems are as well as the approved development languages. Having a guide that helps them understand your systems architecture makes it easier for them to work with, fix, and further develop.

Understand the Security, Adaptability and Scalability of the System

The architecture of your system directly affects its security, scalability and adaptability. Your developers and employees alike need to know the security components that are put in place and how they help mitigate the risk of a security breach. Your developers also need to know how well your system is able to scale to handle more pages or visitors. When they are creating more pages of applications attached to your ecommerce, they need to know how much they can add on without overloading the system. Your architecture documentation helps explain all of these components and should serve as a valuable tool to anyone looking for information on your system.

For more on this topic, read ecommerce Solution: Technical Architecture Documentation (Part 2 of 2).

Clarity Can Help

At Clarity, we are here for our clients every step of the way. We take time before, during, and after implementation to help our clients understand and learn to operate their new business solutions. We can help you document your system architecture to help your employees and future developers understand how and why your architecture is set up the way that it is. Our team of experts is highly skilled at building, as well as explaining, custom solutions to fit our clients’ businesses specific needs. To find out more about what Clarity can do for your business, call or click to contact us today!


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