We tell our clients all the time that if your ecommerce website isn’t secure, then they don’t have a solid foundation to their business. It is a terrible event when a company’s website gets hacked, but it’s even worse when it is an ecommerce website because revenue streams and customer information is at stake. osCommerce Hack Recently osCommerce 2.2 was targeted by a mass injection attack. 143,000 pages were hit. osCommerce is an open source ecommerce platform. What this means is that the software is built by a community and released to the public for free. This has its advantages and disadvantages. Open source is good because there is a large group of smart people behind it, it’s free, and there are constant updates. However, when these updates aren’t installed, the websites become vulnerable to attacks. A mass injection attack is an act of exploiting weakness in the database layer of an application. To make sure your ecommerce website is not vulnerable to these types of attacks, we highly recommend setting up a consultation with our ecommerce experts that can explore your website and detect any weaknesses.