How Your ecommerce Platform Can Help You Deliver Great Customer Service Your ecommerce platform can be an unexpected customer service tool 89% of consumers have quit doing business with a company after they had a poor customer service experience, according to a RightNow Customer Experience Impact Report. As you know, customer service can make or break a sale, even an online sale. Providing great customer service to your ecommerce customers should be top priority. If your customer service agents have a reliable and robust ecommerce platform to use, they will be able to provide top notch customer service. Become the Customer’s Shopping Assistant No matter how easy your ecommerce site is to use, some customers will have questions about or difficulties using it. However, you shouldn’t let this stop your sale. An ecommerce platform that allows your customer service agents to go in and complete your customer's shopping can mean the difference between making a sale and losing one. The platform should allow the customer service agent to pull a customer’s cart and help them complete their shopping by looking up and adding items that the customer wants to their cart. This service will not only increase your chances of a return customer, it will also help you make more sales. Quickly Track and Handle Orders One of the few drawbacks of ecommerce shopping for customers is not being able to get their order right away. Life in an instant gratification culture means your customer wants it as quick as possible, and if they don’t have it yet they want to know where it is. Your customer service agents need to be able to easily look up the status or tracking information of an order for your customers. A robust ecommerce platform will allow the agent to quickly look up the status of an order for a client and be able to flag any issues that may come up. Taking it one step further, integrated shipping can provide this information to your customers automatically. Process Returns and Refunds Easily There are few things worse to a frustrated customer trying to get a refund than having to go through numerous customer service agents and managers to find one who has the ability to issue one. An ecommerce platform that enables your customer service agents to process return merchandise authorizations and refund customer’s money saves your business time and allows your staff to do the jobs they need to without having to get a manager. You may be tempted to avoid making returns as easy as possible, but a good experience now can result in several sales down the road. Live Chat with Customers According to a LivePerson’s Connercting with Consumers report, 83% of online shoppers still need some kind of support to complete an online purchase. Your ecommerce platform should enable your customer service agents to be available to your customers through live chat to help them with their purchases. Your agents should also be able to easily change and update your frequently asked questions page on your website so customers will be able to help themselves and find the answers they need. The Power of Reviews and Recommendations According to iPerceptions, a market research firm, 63% of people are more likely to buy from an ecommerce site that supplied reviews than sites that didn’t. Your ecommerce platform should be able to provide your potential customers with reviews from other customers about the products they are about to buy. Your platform also needs to be able to show recommendations about other products that were bought with the product a customer is viewing as well as products that are similar to it. Clarity Can Help Our Clarity ecommerce platform gives you all the capabilities to help your business provide your customers with excellent service. It allows your customer service team to easily help your customers with any issues they may be experiencing. To find out more about how Clarity’s ecommerce platform can help you satisfy your customers, call or click to contact us today!