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Five Ways Technology Increases Productivity in Your Workplace

Does it seem like you’re never getting as much done as you’d like to? welcome to a large and elite club. No matter how productive we are, most of us ambitiously attempt to load even more onto our plates. While the caveat here is that you should know when to give yourself a break, there are some simple strategies to increase your overall productivity and work capacity. Below are five of our favorite technology-based methods here at Clarity. Check back on Thursday for five traditional (non-technical) methods of boosting productivity.

Productivity Apps

There are a number of apps out there that can be used to increase productivity. Content organizing systems like Evernote, for example, can be used to great effect. This free tool allows you to clip, tag, and make notes on anything you find from around the web. It’s a great way to build up a reference point for strategies, information, competitor analysis, websites to watch, and more.

CRM/ERP System integration

If you’re a business owner, then your ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and CRM (Customer Resource Management) systems will be your best friends. Integrating these systems into your website will streamline more processes than you’d believe possible. Everything from shipping to payroll to lead and customer management can be automated with ERP and CRM integration.

If you’re a business owner, then your ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and CRM (Customer Resource Management) systems will be your best friends. Integrating these systems into your website will streamline more processes than you’d believe possible.

Time Tracking

Do you ever wonder just how much time you spend on certain tasks? There are a multitude of great timekeeping systems that can show you. Check out RescueTime, a free application that monitors the sites you visit and the programs you use, and deduces how you’re spending your time. The results may surprise you.

Use a Task Management Program

As your workflow grows more complicated, you should be using a sophisticated task management program. There are some great standalone programs out there, like HiTask; or you can customize your ERP system so that task management is integrated right into your business’s website. This will provide you with a company-wide task management platform that you can tailor the needs of you and your employees.

Email Inbox Management

Taking the time to set up filters in your inbox is well worth the investment. An email inbox can be an overwhelming place, and by filtering tasks, you’re more likely to notice what’s important and focus on it.

contact us if you're interested in integrating a technology-based productivity solution into your website, and remember to check back later for more productivity secrets!


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