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The Importance of Quality Content in eCommerce Sites

Product Catalog becomes SEO Goldmine

Content Can Drive Conversions for eCommerce Websites

Quality content on your eCommerce website can help make sales

“If you build it, they will come.” While this technique may have worked for Kevin Costner in the movie Field of Dreams, it isn’t true for eCommerce websites.

With online commerce sites, not only do you have to build a superior website and sell items that are in demand, you also need to load your eCommerce site with quality content, and get it indexed with the search engines, or you're not even in the game. This content will make your site easy for search engines and consumers to find.

Content and Search Engine Ranking

In order to find your good and services, potential customers must first find your site. To make your site more appealing to search engines, it is ideal to post quality content that is valuable to internet searchers (a.k.a. potential customers). Publishing blog posts that contain information about what your audience searches the internet for can help increase your search engine ranking and number of clicks that your eCommerce website receives from search engines.

Quality over Quantity

According to HubSpot, 73% of consumers get frustrated over irrelevant web content. Having too much content that doesn’t provide any pertinent information to your website visitors will not only frustrate them, it can also lower your search rankings. While you may think that publishing a lot of content will give you a greater chance of being found on search engines, you would be wrong. Search engines don’t just rank websites by the amount of content; they also look at the quality of the content. If a search engine deems the content on your website as repetitive or trying too hard to be search engine friendly, it could work against you.

Be a Trusted Resource for Your Customers

Publishing quality content such as helpful information, reviews, videos, blogs, and pictures can engage your customers, satisfy their needs, and keep them coming back for more. If your eCommerce site sells cameras and you posted a useful blog or video about the best way to shoot photographs outdoors that a site visitor found useful, they are more likely to return to your site to view your other blog posts. If the visitor continues to find your posts helpful, they are more likely to view you as trustworthy and deserving of their business.

Become a Valued Resource in Your Industry

Serving up extremely useful content over time can make your website become a valuable resource not only to your customers, but also other businesses and publications in your industry as well. Posting original, quality content can help put your eCommerce business on the map and potentially turn it into a well known name and trusted resource.

Consider becoming a thought leader and creating a Resource Center, that in itself, becomes a destination for many people to come. While they're there getting answers, they'll be ripe for promotions and marketing opportunities.


Certified SEO Specialists Ready to Help

Clarity Can Help

At Clarity, we understand how important quality content can be to the success of your eCommerce website. Clarity specializes in eCommerce and building sites that empower your team to easily populate your site with great content that can drive sales. Our team of marketing experts and developers would be happy to work with you to help develop a strategy for your online content creation, layout, and management. To find out more about how Clarity can help your eCommerce site improve, call or click to contact us today!


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