Utilize a Firewall Firewalls are used to block any malicious or foreign entities from accessing confidential data. The prevention mechanism is the first layer of defense against the obnoxious activities of hackers. So, firewalls are an essential prerequisite for PCI DSS because they are highly effective in barring unauthorized activity or access.
Password Protection Now, most of the routers, POS (Point of sale) systems, modems, third-party products by default use a generic password that the general public can easily guess. In most cases, the businesses don't pay attention to these loopholes. Thus, following PCI DSS Compliance, securing the devices and software with a strong password is of utmost importance. Moreover, basic configurations like a change in the password must be enforced.
Secure Card Holders' Data This requires the implementation of two-fold protection. Moreover, specific algorithms are used to encrypt card holder's data; the encryption keys are also encrypted as per the compliance standards. Another measure that can be taken in this regard is ensuring that there is no unencrypted data, regularly updating and scanning the Primary account numbers (PAN).
Encrypt Transmitted Data As we know that the cardholder's data is accessed via multiple channels like a home office, local stores, payment processors, etc., this data should be encrypted and only sent to the known locations.
Make Use of Antivirus One should make use of good antivirus software and regularly update it. Though, antivirus is required on all those devices that interact with or store PAN. Moreover, in cases where antivirus cannot be installed directly, the POS system providers must provide appropriate measures.
Up-to-Date Software Whatever software you use in your business must be regularly updated, particularly firewalls and antivirus software. These updates are essential as they incorporate better security measures to deal with the vulnerabilities in the web world. This is especially important for all those devices and software that interact with other devices or store cardholders' confidential data.
Restricted Data Access The roles in an organization should be clearly defined, i.e., the staff, executives, third parties allowed to access card holder's data must be well documented and updated timely.
Restrict Physical Access The cardholder's data is stored physically and should be done at a secure place like a room, drawer, or cabinet. Access should be strictly limited to authorized personnel only.
Unique IDs Assigned to Access Data All the executives or individuals who have access to card holder's data must be assigned unique id or credentials to authorize access. For instance, if multiple employees access the confidential data, separate unique IDs must be provided. This will create lesser vulnerability and a quick reaction if some compromise happens.
Maintain Access Logs Any employee working with cardholders' data or PAN (Primary account numbers) must input an entry. This is one significant issue that the companies face; they lack proper records and documentation about who accessed the sensitive data. As per the compliance standards, how the data flows in an organization and the number of times the confidential data can be accessed must be clearly defined with utmost accuracy.
Scan for Vulnerabilities PCI DSS Compliance suggests that the systems or the software which are outdated, have gone malfunctioned, suffered due to human errors must be rectified. Moreover, regular testing and scanning limit vulnerabilities.
Document Policies The place where the data has been stored, how data flows in an organization, details of the inventory, data access logs, etc., need to be documented.