Opportunity for Bigger Contracts Some of the visitors get to know the parent company through microsite interaction. After the first interaction, people can decide to migrate and use the parent website for future use.
Keep It Simple You can design and create a microsite simple and easy to use. Don't clutter the page with irrelevant information to confuse the visitors. Focus and encourage customers towards a buying decision and later purchase the products.
Tell a Story Microsite focus to target specific audiences and people with their interactive messages. You can create content according to the audience and according to people's needs. Suppose you wish to launch a product for teachers and it could be from primary to university levels. Each of them must be using different tools to interact with students. You can launch a partitioned microsite for each level of teachers with your product. Targeting high school teachers with different storyboards and university teachers another way. This process increases the conversion rate and satisfies the investment.
Audience-Based Offers Sometimes some offers or promotions are not appreciated by a few visitor segments. Small offers may not interest big business owners instead they look at package plans. Creating general content will beat the purpose of a microsite. Launch content according to the target audience.
A/B Testing Build a microsite that is easy to use and manage. Remember not to compromise on the performance of microsite during promotion, CTA, etc. You can run an A/B test to gauge the performance and conversion rates after the microsite launch.
Pay Attention to Reviews Prioritize to find as many reviews and feedback after the launch of the product launch. This way you can identify the specific review/feedback from the targeted audience. If your microsite targets students, give attention to reviews from the students. Then corroborate all those reviews to find methods to convert them as customers.