Click-Through Rate: What is a Good CTR

What is CTR?

Search engines hold a good click-through rate at a high pedestal. In a pay-per-click marketing strategy, the more a person click, the more money the search engine will make. However, the click-through rate is also crucial for advertisers.

When a user uses the search engine, they have a query and they are looking for an answer to it. A great search is one that will give them exactly what they are looking for. They have decided what they want and they are looking for it.

Developing a relevant paid search ad is the first step an advertiser needs to fulfill. In this article, you will learn about click-through rates, and how it can impact your business.

A study suggested that more than 70% of all digital content contained some form of infographics. Infographics change the way data is represented to the users, making the whole content transfer smoother and more engaging.

In simple words, CTR meaning is the percentage of impressions that emanated into a click. So, if your pay-per-click had 1000 impressions and just a single click, the CTR is 0.1%.

As a metric, it tells how relevant the searchers are finding the advertisement to be. So, if you experiencing higher CTR, users are finding the advertisement to be highly relevant. But if you are experiencing lower CTR, users are finding the advertisement to be less relevant.


The main goal of the PPC campaign is to secure qualified users for your website and get them to take the desired action. CTR helps in improving the advertisement’s relevancy and creating the desired outcome.

Calculating and Understanding Click-Through Rates

What is a Good CTR?

A CTR is the ratio of the number of people who clicked on the link for visiting a page in comparison to the total number of people who saw it. So, the more CTR, the more targeted your PPC campaign is.

However, simply because someone is clicking on your link for landing on the page doesn’t mean they will check out the products and buy them. A prospect can easily click through a link and bounce. This is the reason you should use this metric all by itself for measuring the campaign’s effectiveness.

If you want to calculate CTR all by yourself, you will have to follow the formula given below. Click-Through Rate: Total Click-Through/Total Impressions x 100

If you are calculating for emails, you don’t have impressions, but the total messages delivered. The rest is going to be the same. For instance, if the advertisement campaigns list 1000 impression and 24 click-throughs, the formula will be:

CTR: 24/1000 x 100 =2.4%.

You might be wondering how the campaigns measure up. According to Wordstream, for the paid ads over the internet, the average Adwords CTR is 0.35% on display and 1.91% on search. Facebook advertisment CTR varies from 0.5% to 1.6%. So, the simple answer: It depends on various factors like:

• The industry • Individual campaigns with the PPC account • The keyword set you are bidding on

It is nothing unusual to get double-digit CTR on the branded keywords when a user looks for the brand name or the name of the trademarked product. Also, it is not unusual to come across CTRs less than 1% on non-branded and broad keywords.

Increasing Site Traffic One Click at a Time

How to Improve Your CTR?

Do you want to get more clicks on your AdWords ads? Here are a few tips that you can follow that start increasing your PPC traffic.

Find Long-Tail Keywords

One of the most important aspects of SEO strategy is long-tail keywords. It is also necessary for blogs. If you research and find long-tail keywords and integrate them into your website, you will be able to increase your organic queries’ volume. This, in turn, will improve your search engine ranking.

This is just like buying tickets for the lottery. The more tickets you get, the better chances you have. Single keywords form the top of the funnel and the long-tail keywords form the middle and bottom-funnel.

Make sure that you look for higher volume keywords that have a higher cost per click. High volume is sure to make it worth the time to optimize for keywords, while high cost per click keywords convert better.

Use Effective Meta Description

Meta tag descriptions form a major part of your SERP entry. It tells your potential visitors what they should expect to find when they click on a link. If you create an effective meta description tag, it can generate great click through rates. A short paragraph less than 160 characters can get you the potential customers you are looking for.

So, you should not let this opportunity go to waste. You can write an effective meta description within 160 characters. If there is no description tag, the search engine will show the sentence around the keywords for providing context to the viewers. When you enter the meta description, you get control over what the search engines display for the page.

Create Posts Containing Images

‘A picture is worth a thousand words’, the English adage, stands to be true for click-through rates, too. It can increase your click-through rates by 42% in emails. With images, it’s possible to increase engagement across different social media channels.

Sure, you cannot include 1000 words in the search previews but it is possible to use images. A recent survey has shown that more than 90% of marketers use visual content for almost all of their articles.

But make sure you include relevant and original images for your post.

Make the Title Format Simple

One of the most obvious aspects of the page that is seen in the search result is its title. You need to make sure it stands out in the crowd. For instance, you can use the site name for your title tag but if you see it is hurting the ranking, you can easily remove it.

Whether you want to brand yourself or not is on you to decide. There isn’t any penalty or boost for this but it will keep the name of the site out there for people to see. This is a simple tip that you can implement in no time at all. However, make sure that you test it so that the audiences are responding well to it.

Click through rate is a crucial metric for all PPC managers. It helps in monitoring and understanding user behavior. If you optimize for CTR, it will help you to optimize the business metric. Thus, you will have a successful PPC campaign.