Investors Investors use this parameter to determine the sustainability and scalability of a business based on which they decide if they are going to invest in the business. This is especially an important factor for you in case you are contemplating investing in an online business that is dependent completely on digital channels to attract customers. For instance, for a digital marketing company, if the mean customer acquisition cost comes to around $5 and the mean revenue produced per customer is $7, then it will be very hard for the investor to have a positive outlook about the sustainable growth of this company. In this scenario, the company can produce only $2 per customer to take care of its fixed, administrative, and other costs. So, unless the company can increase its revenue by scaling up the volume of customers, it will become difficult for it to attract an investor.
Management The management uses this parameter to determine the viability of a marketing campaign or the efficiency of its sales channels. Let us consider that you are running an online business and have deployed multiple digital marketing campaigns to reach out to prospective customers. It will be important for you to identify the campaign you want to continue and the one you don’t. This can be done by finding out the customer acquisition cost of each of these campaigns and comparing it to the mean revenue produced from each of these campaigns. The same logic can be applied in the case of companies deploying omnichannel marketing strategies to determine which medium is creating better returns.
Marketing Department The marketing department in an organization can use this parameter to find out which is their costliest marketing campaign or channel. Once identified, they can consolidate their efforts into working out ways to optimize the cost incurred in that medium. Through this strategic approach, the marketing team will be able to contribute significantly to the sustainable growth of the company by reducing costs and increasing profitability.