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Five Traditional Productivity Systems

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On Monday, you learned about five ways to use technology to increase your business’s productivity. But what if you’re looking to get back to the basics? Below are five traditional strategies you can combine with your technology solutions to make your business as efficient and productive as possible:

Disconnect From the Internet Whenever Possible

Easier said than done, we know. However, if you can complete any task offline, then quietly disconnect yourself from your internet shackles until you are finished with the task. This will give you a reason not to check Facebook or your Google Reader every 30 seconds.

Keep a Clean Office/Desk

Did your mom ever tell you, “A cluttered room leads to a cluttered mind?” Once again, she was right. Having a cluttered desk or office simply provides too many visual distractions; not to mention the drop in productivity every time you spend five minutes searching for a pen. If you’re a naturally cluttered person, then schedule some time once a week—maybe every Friday morning—to perform a thorough office cleaning.

Most people are psychologically inclined to feel a sense of reward every time they check an item off a task list. So, keep one! It can be on your computer or handwritten, depending on your working style.

Can it Be Done in Two Minutes or Less? Then Do it Now.

This simple rule will change your life, we swear. Look at your task list. Chances are there some items—making a phone call or responding to an email, for example—that will take two minutes or less. You’ll feel so much better if you just get these things done right away. And the visible shrinking of your task list never hurts either.

Make a Check List

One of the easiest and oldest methods is still one of the best. Most people are psychologically inclined to feel a sense of reward every time they check an item off a task list. So, keep one! It can be on your computer or handwritten, depending on your working style. Break major tasks into smaller items or milestones that you can check off your list. That way, the task seems less overwhelming and you’re less likely to procrastinate.

Lose the Multitasking Mentality

Contrary to popular belief, the vast majority of us cannot actually multitask. What most people consider “multitasking” is actually the brain rapidly switching between two (or more) tasks. You may think multitasking is making you more productive, but it’s actually drawing your attention away from each respective task. When you focus on one task at a time, you’re most likely to complete them faster and to the best of your ability.

Have some of your own productivity methods? Let us know!

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