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B2B Marketplace and Product Integration with Amazon


amazon ecommerce software with integration to shopping cartECommerce integration with Amazon is a great way to increase exposure to your products without having to spend a large amount of marketing resources and budget on getting more traffic to your website. Amazon, as you likely know, has dramatically more traffic than most websites on the internet.

Leveraging this source of new visitors has proved over and over again as a powerful influx of business for companies that use it correctly. Let's take a look at what B2B marketplace integration can do for you.


Key Features of Checkout by Amazon

amazon low barriers to entryLow Barriers to Entry for Users

Amazon has many, many customers and a lot of affiliated websites that add even more to their user list. These users have saved their profile, payment, and address information to their Amazon account. Your business can benefit from this because, with Amazon eCommerce services, you allow your customers to check out with their profile instead of having to create a new one on your site.

amazon checkout experienceSimilar Checkout Experience

A Checkout by Amazon system will provide your users with an experience they are familiar with, and that helps avoid hesitation upon purchase and increase your site's conversion rate!

amazon one click orderingOrdering with a Single Click

As you probably already know, features a 1-Click Order functionality that decreases the friction between impulse and the actual purchase. This is an important piece for companies that are focused on conversion rate optimization (and if you're not, you should be).

amazon product up-selling and cross-sellingUp-Selling and Cross-Selling

Another advantage of having Checkout by Amazon at your disposal is the opportunity to up-sell and cross-sell your related products and accessories. You can also sell others' products and gain a commission if you choose to pursue that option.

amazon shipping and tax management calculationEasy Shipping and Sales Tax

Amazon's checkout system does the hard work for you in calculating shipping rates and sales tax in the cart, even B2B sales tax. Oh, and it does it in real time as the customer updates the order.

amazon order managementOrder Management

Checkout by Amazon allows your business to view, edit, settle, and cancel orders, as well as many other advanced logistical features such as printing shipping labels and packing slips.

amazon fulfillment of orderFulfillment by Amazon

Fulfillment by Amazon is a great service that allows you to outsource not just the transaction, but also the processing and fulfillment. This makes it easy for you to do what you're best at, marketing your products.

Benefits to Your Users & Your Business

Amazon eCommerce integration is great not just for your business, it's great for your users too! As demonstrated in the features above, Amazon offers many conveniences and functionality that rival any platform on the market. To wrap up these main benefits, the following are the strongest reasons to use Checkout by Amazon and implement Amazon eCommerce integration.

  • Increase conversion. Reducing friction and increasing familiarity by allowing checkouts with existing profiles will improve conversion rates.
  • Reduce costs. The cost to you, the business owner, is very low compared to other options with similar types of functionality.
  • Be trusted. A site backed by Amazon lends itself to being trusted and respected right away, due to the great reputation of

Work With World Class Developers, Get Started Today!

Need the best B2B marketplace software? Most if not all of Clarity's success can be attributed to the level of talent that we bring on year in and year out. When you work with Clarity to improve your company's web systems, you can feel rest assured that you are in the hands of industry experts and some of the most capable individuals in the industry.

We'll get you connected with Amazon eCommerce marketplace integration, so get in touch today!

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